Writing and Blogging eBook Bundle



Five (5) popular eBooks in the Writing and Blogging category are all yours for one low, low price.

Content Marketing Blueprint

As a business owner, you know that how you market your business is at the heart of your success. In fact, most aspects of your business are dependent on you developing a successful marketing campaign.

You have to have an understanding of what content marketing is and isn’t and learn how to create content that will engage your audience quickly.

This blueprint will help you to discover the secrets for driving more traffic to your website and increasing conversion rates to build a highly successful business.

Blogging For Big Bucks

Blog commenting, if done well and with a certain level of respect for other bloggers and their contributions, can help form a very fruitful relationship between the various parties involved.

Leaving comments as a practice can be made into an exercise or tool for marketing purposes

Blog commenting is among the best ways to acquire traffic to a blog and contrary to a lot of additional traffic generation methods it likewise has a few rules to follow if you wish to acquire the best from it.

With this eBook, you will find out how to pull traffic to your blog.

Blogging Today

A blog is basically an online journal wherein you can digitally pen down your thoughts, ideas, opinions and practically anything that you want people to read.

Blogs come in different styles, formats, and settings, depending on the preference of the user.

Many blogging sites offer built-in features such as hyperlink, straight texts, pictures etc. Some blogging sites, even allow you to put video and mp3’s on your blogs.

With this ebook, you will learn how to become a hot blogger.

Authority Blogging

When it comes to successful blogging, consistency is key.

There are simple, yet effective ways to dramatically increase the amount of traffic, subscribers, and revenue from the start, while also decreasing the time and energy spent managing your blog.

There is no better way to stay motivated and focused than by seeing results from your hard work, and that is exactly what you’re going to experience when you follow the techniques featured within this special report.

Copywriting Expert

Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing.

Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.

Copywriting truly is an art, but to have a checklist of important points is also helpful.

With this report learn all the known tactics about copywriting and how to become an effective content writer.

You will find out ‘must know’ copywriting secrets that guarantee success.


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